On the 27th October of each year, the world celebrates World Occupational Therapy Day. This year the OT Day will be celebrated under the theme “Occupational Therapy for All”. According to WFOT, the theme reflects the important role of the profession to facilitate the ability of individuals, communities and populations to participate in the activities that they want, need or are expected to do in their daily lives.

In Rwanda, Occupational therapy profession in new on the list of other rehabilitation domain like Physiotherapy and Orthopedic. We have met one of the OT in Rwanda, formal president of Rwanda Occupational Therapist Association working in Kanombe Military Hospital. 

  • Tell us about you?

I am Epiohanie Murebwayire Founder member & former chairperson of Rwanda Occupational Therapy Association. I worked at Rwanda Military Hospital (RMH) & at International committee of the Red Cross( ICRC).

  • What’s the status of OT in Rwanda as up to date?

Occupational therapy practice started in Rwanda with only 2 Rwandan Occupational therapists  studied in Tanzania. In 2014, the University of Rwanda College of Medicine and Health Sciences (UR/CMHS) started the OT program where 3 cohorts have graduated and now the number of OTs in Rwanda has increased from 2 to 40 Rwandan  OTs.

Most of them are working in different institutions including hospitals, special schools, rehab centres and university.

  • What’s the situation of RWOTA now? How many members? 

RWOTA is now chaired by Pierre Damien Turikumana, it is comprised of 36 active members.

There is a continual encouragement  for OT students from the University to join the Association after graduation and being registered by the Rwanda Allied Health Council  (RAHPC) 

RWOTA as an Association increased not only in members but also in terms of the professional activities such as participations in  international and national congress, research publications and ongoing to be published both locally and  international research collaboration.

  • Are young people interested in OT Profession? 

Yes, young people are interested in OT as they join the program each year and a good number (around 20) enrolled in the OT program each year.

  • How is the OT Labor market in Rwanda and the region in general? 

Regarding the labor market in Rwanda there is a big progress most of all graduates have job. At the region level, almost no OTs travelled abroad looking for job because they are also few in the country except one who is now working in one of the west Africa countries.

  • What the challenges are OT facing now? 

About challenges OT is like other Rehab professionals in term of awareness of the profession to other medical personnel. The main challenge OT in Rwanda is facing is lack of approved tariff for the services to be covered by health insurances (reimbursement issue), but there is an ongoing advocacy on this issue for the concerned parties.

  • If you get chance to do something for OT in Rwanda now, what will be?

I will continue to work closely with my colleagues OT to explore the way of financial stability on order to promote the profession and able to participate in different activities.

Coming back on this year theme, what’s the meaning of the theme for you? 

The theme of the year 2024 ” Occupational therapy for all” simply we need to reach to everyone to make sure of individual’s participation in their activities of daily living.